Sunday, July 30, 2006

Heil Ranch to Lyons Connector Now Full Speed Ahead!

Frigging great news! Here's what's out there so far. I've got a few calls out to town board members, but haven't heard any response back, yet.
At 5:30 Friday night (7/28/06) the town of Lyons entered into an assignable contract to purchase the 119 acres Olson property. At closing, probably early in September, the contract will be asssigned to Boulder County Parks and Open Space. BCPOS will pay the entire purchase price of $2,900,000 and take fee ownership of 109 acres. 9.3 acres will go to the town of Lyons. The town has agreed to provide amenities serving Heil Ranch including parking and a trailhead in the vicinity of Bohn Park, and a corridor through town property for a trail connection to Heil Ranch.

In addition to the 9.3 acre lot, the town will get a 5-year option to purchase an additional 10.2 acre parcel. Both these parcels will be limited to use as parks, school, or other municipal purposes acceptable to the County.

Three lots on the north of the property, totaling about 20 acres and including the existing house, will be put up for sale subject to conservation easements limiting structure sizes to help recover some of the County's original purchase price.

There will be a special POSAC meeting on August 10 at 5:30PM in the County Commissioners' Hearing Room to review this purchase. The County Commissioners should hear the matter the following week.

The staff's recommendations conclude with "By acquiring the property, the County ensures this open space legacy and solidifies the much anticipated Heil to Lyons and Heil to Hall trail connections."

1 comment:

redstone said...

I just spoke with a local Lyons elected official. It'a all true and all good. Technically, Vic Olson sold the property to Lyons (the Mayor brokered the deal). The next step is for Boulder County to approve the sale (which is probably the reason for the 8/10 Posac meeting).