Horsetooth Mountain Park in Ft. Collins is a fantastic place to ride. Suggesting closing trails to mountain bikes is a travesty. Read on...
Colorado Alert: Horsetooth Mountain Park Plan
Northern Colorado's Larimer County Parks and Open Lands department presented
preliminary comments on a Horsetooth Mountain Park Management Plan on Monday
Nov. 14, 2005.
A park-user survey conducted in May and June determined that mountain bikers
comprise only 20 percent of all park users — a finding that local mountain
biker groups question.
Larimer County has suggested that bikes might be banned from Horsetooth Rock
Trail, and is considering closing other trails.
Bike advocates are urged to submitt comments. Consider including the
following information in your remarks:
- Mention your support for shared-use trails
- The trails you ride at Horsetooth Mountain Park
- The number of visits you make to Horsetooth Mountain Park per year
- If you have purchased a Larimer County annual park pass in the past, or
plan to buy one in the future
Comments on the preliminary plan must be filed by Dec 12, 2005. Go here to
make your voice heard: The complete Draft Management Plan will be posted online on Jan. 3, 2006.
Public comment for that document will be considered until Jan. 30. The final
Management Plan will be prepared and adopted in Feb. 2006.
Additional information can be found at the following links: