Monday, September 06, 2010

Tuesday Ride 9/7

5:30pm at the shop and we'll head up to Raymond. We've ridden Miller Rock a few times this year but still haven't been on Cerain St. Vrain. Seems like it was only a couple weeks ago when Lee led us on that wack night time adventure, eh?


Anonymous said...

Where is the trailhead for Ceran St. Vrain in Raymond? I actually tried hitting that up a few weeks back, but physical reality refused to conform to my aging map and I was forced to continue driving up to Camp Dick.

Beta appreciated.


redstone said...

Technically, there is no trailhead in Raymond. There is Jeep road access, though, that will take you into the same area. It's also not signed on the road. You have to go up a driveway (legal access) and past 3 houses before you see the USFS sign. Hard to describe where it is. Next time you're up, stop at the Raymond store and the owner will help you out.

redstone said...

oh yeah. Might want to bring lights if you have them :)