Monday, October 22, 2007

Tuesday Ride 10/23

Just like last week. We're going to play it by ear due to snowfall, etc. Meet up at the shop at 6pm and we'll decide where we want to go. Lights mandatory. see you there!

Oh - Tree has dibs on the loaner light so it's off the table this week.


Tree said...

That was a fun ride last night! The weather was perfect. Next time I'll look out for the shin catching log. The knot on my leg is growing...

Schuman said...

I know that exact log. Its got me twice and the first time I thought I broke my shin.

I want my light dammit

Dave how did you like my camera photo? I'd post it if I were you. It kind of goes with your bumper sticker (Poop Big, Ride Hard).

redstone said...

Good to hear your leg is not going to fall off, Tree :)

Schuman, I think I'll stick to pics of riding hard...