Monday, June 05, 2006

Tuesday 666 ride

Might as well ride to hell and back tomorrow. To celebrate 6/6/06 at 6pm, where do y'all want to ride?

Meet up in Jamestown again?


debaser said...

I'm staying inside behind locked doors. Have fun out there.

Schuman said...

Is the ride on? I got the green light from Momma and would like join.

However, if this is a ride on 6-6-06 starting at 6pm, I think Dave should leave his Intense 6.6 at home and we need to make sure we ride further than 6 miles. Oh and we can't have 6 riders show.

redstone said...

I'm on the 6.6! Ron can you meet up in Jamestown at 6 at the post office? Sweet, sweet riding.

Schuman said...

I'll be there at 6...with a cross around my neck.

Melis said...

Not Gonna Make It Tonight, enjoy 666 without me.

redstone said...

GREAT ride! It was Lyons vs Jamestown tonight. I think Jim Creek won, or at least for me. First, even a high bb, 6+ inches of travel, gravity and momentum are not enough to overcome a 30-40' wide, swiftly moving knee deep creek.

After that, Rockin' Ron had front seat to witness my superbly executed endo Superman face first into 6" deep water where the creek overflows onto the jeep road. Argh, aches and pains now. Going to be stiff tomorrow!

Schuman said...

Super ride, thanks for the guide service. Once again I am amazed at the quality of riding around Lyons.

Classic ass over tea kettle into the creek but kudos for giving it a go. Next time I think we need PFD's on this ride.

Schuman said...

The devil went down in Jamestown

debaser said...

Was he playing a fiddle?

Schuman said...

he was and he made an evil hiss