Sunday, February 18, 2007

Howdy, time for the weekend update. For starters, Chad and Chris came over to the shop Sat afternoon around 4. We donned the lamps and rolled out to the cowboy (aka True Grit) and headed south on dirt. Having lamps helped us to keep going way after dark. We ended up turning around when Chad got a flat and we got cold standing around waiting for him. Yep. And we also managed to survive eminent doom and other unspeakable harm despite the fact that we were on the Certain Death trail in the dark with lights off. And 36 in the dark on the shoulder with lights. That was, um, fun. Surreal for sure.

I got out on the cross bike again today. There's still a lot of snow on Old South. And Hall Ranch? I rode thru the parking lot today around 10am. Don't even think about riding there. It's a muddy mess.

Not far out of town I decided to take a break on the St Vrain. Looking down on the water was awesome. It's good to see it so clear right now. I can't wait for the runoff to come full swing to muddy up the scene.

Twas a good ride today. I even had the opportunity to take off my earwarmer/headband today. Spring must be on the way!

Oh, and today was a beautiful day of another type. Lewis's bike turned out great!

And if you've read down this far... The Tuesday ride this week will be on Wednesday. Let's meet up late and pray that something has dried out. 6:30p on Wed?


Schuman said...

Rode Boulder Valley today and it is pretty much all rideable. Definitely muddy in places but overall worth it.

redstone said...

Wednesday. Let's do it.