It was a good weekend at the shop. I was lucky enough to see quite a few regulars with the good weather. Lots of folks on road bikes and just a few that braved the slush at Hall Ranch. The Legendary Brintoni brought in a fun project. We took a ratty looking '94 GT Avalanche, complete with Mag 21, and turned it into a rockin' townie. After all was said and done, the bike ended up looking pretty damn good. The Mag 21 shined up nicely and the seals are still good. 55psi and holding still. The Avalanche had spent a few winters outside but with a little love, new cables and new chain, the thing looks like new. The topper is the pair of townie tires on such a cool fast classic mtb. The thing zips around beautifully. It will be a great machine for it's intended purpose.
In other news, it's been 29er central around the house. Got a sweet Waltworks in for a brake rebuild, a new 29er xc race rig on the horizon, and several of the usual suspects are into two nine in general. Maybe it's about time I stepped up... Well, it's in the works but not the top priority around here.
There's been quite a bit of talk about the Velodrome lately. Seems like everywhere I go I get bombarded with questions about the track, but I have gathered some good feedback. So far, so good, as most folk think it could be a pretty good deal for town. Here's my take on it:
I think it's a no brainer for the town. The investor's have committed to the costs of building and maintaining the facility and the have a demolition bond on top of it. If things don't work out, they remove the facility boy scout style (better than they found it). The town is out absolutely nothing. Sign me up.
In other news, I got out a little on the road tonight. Up through an old ghost town on a round about ride near Lyons. Conditions were great. The dirt was good and the snow hardpacked. Very nice. Seems like about every time I get up here in the snow I see some big old paw prints. They are usually about as fresh as the snow. These prints looked a few days old. Big, though.

Hey - Tuesday night ride - how about meeting up at the Neva road trailhead for Boulder Valley Ranch Tues at 7pm? I'll try to check conditions out to make sure it's doable. Heck, if it's wet we can always hit the dirt roads...
keep in touch about the tuesday night ride. Let me know & i am in.
Let me know if you need that charger...
anybody want to meet at the shop 6:45? I can carry 4 bikes.
Chris i will see you at Restone Cyclery at 6:40. Thanks for the offer!!!
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