Oh, couple of Hall Ranch rants while I'm at it. First, I think I told about 5 or 6 people to stay on trail. If you were out there and a shaggy bearded guy said "Hey - no reason to ride in the grass, it's already plenty wide," that was me. :) Keep it single folks.
Rant #2. I was stopped on the side of the trail re-ziptie-ing a ziptie holder doohicky when a dude completely raced by at top speed without saying hey or asking if I needed a hand (I didn't). Here's a tip when you see a fellow cyclist on the side of the trail. First, say hi, cause that's just a nice thing to do. Second, ask if they need a hand. That friendliness on the trail is what seperates us from skinny tired racer types that can't be bothered to look up from their aero tuck.
Rant off.
I rolled back to town via Old South, the bottom connector of Picture Rock and then some LGS. The trail sign is finally up at Picture Rock trail! Thanks to all that helped out with that in one way or another. As part of our trail stewardship program with the county, we donated over 60 man hours of trailwork on Picture Rock this season.
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