Thanks for all that came out for this weeks Tuesday Ride, trail work edition. We were able to contribute 30 hour of labor on PR - great job! We had a good crew that rode in to the worksite from Lyons.

There were/are a couple of spots by the silo on the PR trail where springs had sprung this spring and muddied and rutted up the trail. Our mission tonight was to go in to help Open Space staff armor those sections of trail. If you've seen the sidewalk pavers at Heil, then you know what I'm talking about. I now have a much greater appreciation for all of the work the county puts into armoring. Big flat pavers with vertical pitched rocks in between are definitely easier to ride over than to build!

We were working on 3 sections tonight. One was finished right after we arrived, one we finished about 75% and the 3rd got mostly doug out.
We shut 'er down around 8:20 so we'd have enough daylight to ride out. The descent was smooth and swoopy fun all the way. The dirt was perfect too. A short but great ride.
This is an intersection that I've become super familiar with in the last few months. I love the addition.

The sections we worked on were all on the brief part of the trail between the quarry/old car and the silo. We are welcome to feedback, too. We want Picture Rock to be used by many for long times to come. If anyone is interested, we'll be doing another 2 or 3 of these work days this summer. Stay tuned.
Buchanan Pass next week!
sorry I couldnt make it, things are a little crazy/exciting right now. Thanks to all those who helped out!!
bummed I missed it but I was fearing the next 12,000 ft day. Cheers!
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