Monday, June 01, 2009

Tuesday Ride, 6/2

Meet up at the bike shop at 5:30 for a romp in the forest west of town. Expect steep jeep road climbing, even steeper singletrack descending, and a sweet buttery singletrack climb back out. Not my intent for it to be a night ride, per se, but a charged light in your backpack may come in handy for the climb out. And we'll see who our new Tuesday night waitstaff person at Oskars will be :)


Anonymous said...

It's lookin' pretty wet. Aren't we going to be pretty hard on the gulch for the ride back up?

redstone said...

We'll go to plan B, which may entail riding straight to Oskars. Your fork is done, though :)

Miller Rock is always good in the rain. I've got a couple other ideas, too.

dougm said...

papawheelie would go

Bob said...

thats a pretty good climb from the shop to OB's!!!!
I'm in! :-)

Tree said...

Word on the mountain is that its still drizzling and very wet...

chris L said...

I'm riding, or just hanging at the shop drinking leftover beers from the fest.

redstone said...

There were no "leftover beers." I did, however, make everyone that was still here at 4pm on Sunday go by a 6 pack so we're all stocked up :)

dougm said...

chris L beers and trials bikes at the shop?