Sunday, January 06, 2008

Prime riding season

Better get out while the gettin' is good!

This week, we get to welcome back the Tuesday night ride. Make sure your batteries are charged and show up at the bike shop at 6pm. Don't know where we'll go yet, though, as it seems that quite a bit is up in the air due to weather and conditions. I'm sure we'll manage to have a good time, though. :)


Schuman said...

any chance lefthand would be an option?

redstone said...

Maybe, but that'd mean I'd have to dust off my mountain bike. I got my fingers crossed for LHC or Boulder Valley Res. Chad and I found some new town ghetto single, though, so at least there will be an added bonus to the local...

Schuman said...

BVR looks totally good to go. Thats my vote

Melis said...

BVR sounds good to me

redstone said...

44 degrees right now. Hope it freezes up. Otherwise it'll be kind of messy.

Anonymous said...

ran around the rez and parts were a mud fest.
