A little ways in and I stopped to check out the all new pic-a-nic table just below the silo.
Check the cool striping on the rock. That is real "picture rock" that was quarried out of the Heil Valley many moons ago. BMA paid for the table and Boulder County just finished putting it in. Benches made of Lyons quarried stone will be up shortly as well. We'll have to plan a pic-a-nic.
I rode on. Soon after, I was getting into a groove and really digging the singlespeed with the new 19t. At the top of Picture Rock Trail, I hung a right and rode North Wild Turkey as an out and back. Man, I love that trail. Man, that trail is getting rocky in parts, though. I love stopping at the bench at the top for reflection (and bike lovin).
So far, that GT Peace 29er singlespeed has been really amazing. Granted, it's no modern full suspension wonder, but it's cool what a fantastic bike you can really get still for around $700. The Reynolds 520 frame is lively without being flexy and the 4130 fork is buttery. Well, as buttery as it gets if you're a big ol rigid fork anyway ;)
Did I mention that I love North Wild Turkey? I like the fast and tight woodsy sections, the flowy smoove singletrack that floats thru open meadows and good use of natural terrain.
Good stuff, Boulder County. Keep up the good work.
Timing on the ride was perfect. Just after I dumped off the Boulder County trail and started on the townie ghetto singletrack, the skies started in with a nice light rain. Maybe we'll see some snow from it tomorrow. Welcome to fall.
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