Another fantastic work week down the tubes, eh. Where do I start.
Well, most importantly, after cracking my helmet earlier this week, I finally got my new one today. Zoe and I went for a little bike ride after work and I tested out the new shell. Man, oh man, that has got to be the most comfortable helmet I've ever worn. It's a LAS Kripton. The fit system seems to be way beyond what Bell and Giro are doing. Plus, it's got a coolmax liner and bug netting. Very nice. I'm now a big fan of
LAS helmets! I'll give the longer term review in a few days provided I don't manage to break it before then!
In other news, I recently got the latest update from the Forest Service on the
Left Hand Canyon management plan. They are getting ready to roll this thing into action! What they are proposing is way too long to mention here, but here's the basic skinny:
*close Carnage Canyon to all
*open potential new 4WD rock crawler routes
*build one (yes only one) new singletrack trail that short and not a logical connector
*limit the area to day use with the specific exception of night riding (our only real victory)
*close off all the little spur singletracks in the area
If this plan gets finalized, I'd have to say that we didn't get much. In fact, I'd argue that we, as a mountain bike population, lost out on all of our opportunity. Not to say we didn't show, but it is definitely an OHV area and they need their place to play. Never hurts to ask, though, huh? Anyway,the process isn't over yet! I'll have more info up on the Redstone LHC OHV page soon.
One more thing! Save May 14 on your calendars for what promises to be a fantastic movie night at the Boulder Theater:
"hard-won victories, agonizing defeats and desperate attempts to gain coveted points were captured on film in "
Off Road to Athens," a documentary about eight athletes - four women and four men - and their aspirations to become Olympians
May 14 (2 shows) Boulder, CO Boulder Theater $10 adv. $12 door"
yep. Racin'.
That's about all I've got to report today. Did I mention that the first batch of stickers are in? They're sweet, come on and get yours!